I made this work again.

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 21 March 2009 at 10:41AM

Huzzah. PDF coming up again soon. I'll likely be making a new post about getting cerberus working with git at work. Maybe an iPhone app for posting to Typo will be forthcoming as well.


Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 27 May 2008 at 08:37AM

I love Playa Del Fuego

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 26 May 2008 at 05:55PM

I may now be christened "the joy of sex" as a playa name, if it sticks.

Now not only do I not know why women plaster their eyes in makeup, I also do not know how.

I like working gate with cute cuddly New Hampshirites

I may share photos of the general debauchery and nonsense that this latest PDF entailed as they become available to me. :)


Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 28 February 2008 at 10:45AM

Joanna really gets on my nerves

Learning guitar

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 04 January 2008 at 12:20PM

I got a guitar for Christmas. Yay! One of the first things I did was start to teach myself Tool songs. I decided to play the intro to Lateralus until I could get a recording of it I was not embarassed of. It's not perfect, but I don't make any major botches so I think it's a good start for only having the damn thing for a little over a week.

Auditing Rails Projects

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 20 December 2007 at 10:36AM

Or how I learned to stop worrying and love SVN, Cerberus, and RCov

I recently was given carte blanche to enact some authoritarian controls on our source code at work, and ran with it. My general feeling is not to limit what people can do with our repository, just to audit that they have done it, and when it is problematic, make their work widely known rapidly. Thus, my intent was not to lockout checkins which would cause rake to fail, just to report on the checkins when they happened.

We had at a prior point in time incorporate the Cerberus system with a cron job on our source control server, every 10 minutes it would checkout the revision and then bitch about whoever had the last checkin if the build was broken to a mailing list all developers were signed up to. This was okay except:

  • If two people comitted in that 10 minute period, the last got the blame.
  • If you made huge structural changes to the project, it would cause the build to fail.

So our cerberus system got switched off and we quickly stopped having a reliable rake build. People broke things and didn't know they broke them, and we were slowly marching down the path of madness.

I decided that I wanted us to have a different system, one that:

  1. Would run the build process on every checkin.

  2. Could cope with large structural changes to the source tree.
  3. Would not violate our prior decision not to have config files checked into the source tree.
  4. Would generate code coverage reports.

It was more work than I anticipated!

I am a...

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 11 December 2007 at 06:43PM

For a long time now I've had a problem with the idea of pigeonholes, and not just on a personal level. "I am a vegan." "I am a Christian." "I am a burner."

People let these aspects cease to describe them, and start to define them. I think it's tied into accomplishment; if you identify yourself as a burner, then going to lots of burns and having nifty mutant vehicles and being full of interesting ideas is a way to demonstrate how dedicated a burner you are.

I'm not dedicated at all, except for perhaps towards mercuriality. I like to do lots of different things, and do them well, even if I am not the best. Vive la difference! What I do, I do for my own benefit and enjoyment, and what I get the most enjoyment out of is learning. The natural consequence of learning is to excel.

I am not a motorcyclist. I am not a poet. I am not a developer. I am not a dancer. I am not a gamer. I am not a racer. I am not a mechanic.

I am.

Yay! Thanks!

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 26 November 2007 at 10:06PM

I am thankful for a family whom does not drive me insane when I visit with, and who I look forward to seeing.

I Woke Up This Morning

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 31 October 2007 at 08:49AM

Waking up is not a wholly remarkable process, many people tend to do so quite frequently, just about as often as they sleep. However this morning I woke, and it struck me how cold and sharp reality can be when you witness it, as compared to the comfortable bubble of a dream.

When I awoke, I was slightly perturbed.

We cannot be perturbed with our dreams, they are an expression of the subconscious mind. Dreams are harmless, and they can at worst distract us from, and at best highlight, what is important.

We cannot be perturbed with our reality, as it is what makes life wonderful and worth living. The dream is fleeting, and you cannot meaningfully laugh, love, or learn in a dream.

I was perturbed ultimately with myself for getting so wrapped up in the dream that I was first averse to awakening. This has passed, and I have taken from the dream what I feel is useful.

Irreverance to Marriage

Posted by Venerable High Pope Swanage I, Cogent Animal of Our Lady of Discord 28 October 2007 at 01:07PM

The delightful and divine miss Ev shall be mentioned here from time to time, at least if I know anything of the Goddess. Today she features as a co-conspirator and enabler for my twisted irreverent ponderings regarding marriage. She is of the same opinion I am, that the entire institution is really rather silly, so when I started mocking it by plotting out my own dogma-smashing wedding she went right along with it.

In this way my insanity was encouraged and I pursued it further than the original twisted premise of the groom dancing with his father and the bride dancing with her mother.

One further such reflection was on the importance of wedding invitations. Frankly, they don't have any. But some people attach a great deal to them, so it's a ripe target for mockery. I imagine mine would read something like this:

swanage and <unlucky girl> decided to get hitched. We'd like you watch the whole debacle, so please show up at <place> on <date> at <time>. Also we're gonna give you free food and liquor so don't forget to bring us a present, you ingrate. And for that matter, write back telling us how many people you're bringing to wolf down our food.
See? Simple, sarcastic, and straight to the point all at the same time.

Maybe it's not masculine for me to be pondering marriage as a single man, but by Eris, if riding a motorcycle and looking fucking hot as hell without a shirt on aren't masculine enough, I don't know what is.